
Se afișează postări din august, 2013

My heart –a free zone

My heart –a free zone (din vol. Statuia Zilei de mâine XX Love - " Inima mea -Free Zone  " When you show up, it is well known, nothing else can live in my heart weeks on I long for the warm cradle. only when I am ready to make a bid, fright mingles into the blood and oozes my heart becomes a free zone towards the day when dreams of you blink off  like vivid neons in town floating on the aerial cables of madness my canons like nails in the blocked muscles- You master the flames that burn in irises the oxygen in my lungs- and even if I hope to forget you my heart- a free zone, never! Translated by: Irina Horea 4. Inima mea Free Zone este bine ştiut, când apari nimic nu mai poate locui în inima mea apoi săptămâni în şir tânjesc după culcuşul cald abia când sunt gata să licitez spaima se amestecă în sânge se prelinge inima mea devine free zone. spre ziuă când visele

Love Poem with Bonsai/ Poem de dragoste cu arbori bonsai

  Love Poem with Bonsai                                                       (din vol. Imagine Simpla - " Poem de dragoste cu arbori bonsai " the dark rings - the dark begins you are living me taking with you piles of newspapers rivers of air trough the misted windows the doors slams breaking the tenderness - today is thursday the ceiling is white and a spider is walking, I dream about gilded coins and today we have talked about the couple's life- rummage about among those books and you'll see how little time we have till tomorrow how deeply silence is buried in our minds our image a film on a bed sheet. the telephone stars yelling and you let it explode, in our eardrums, on my lips, you are living with all our baggage, talking from the broken wall our shadows peeled off the wall impression of our lives I will go on living in a house papered with shells and theatre posters and a typewriter- what's the use of talk